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Vermiculite has the excellent properties to be essential component for seedling, planting, germination and cutting.
Vermiculite possesses cation Exchange properties, thus it can hold available to the growing plant ammonium, potassium, calcium and magnesium.
Vermiculite, when combined with organic material (peat-moss, coco-peat and compost), promotes faster root growth and gives quick anchorage to young roots.
The mixture helps retain air, plant foot and moisture, releasing them as the plant requires them.
Vermiculite is very light in weight, easy to handle and easily mixes with soil, peat, coco-peat, compost, fertilizers and perlite. Its use as a carrier and bulking agent ensures more even distribution in mixing operations.
Vermiculite is insulation material with low lambda value as 0,64 w / mk. Coating the seedling trays with vermiculite will protect roots against hard climate condition hot / cold and will keep the substrate wet.
For cutting and rooting vermiculite maybe used directly as poured from the bag. Vermiculite will promote maximum root growth in less time.













Due to the excellent properties of exfoliated vermiculite allows to use in horticulture sector.
When it mix with peat or any other  growing substrates, allows to create large range of growing media to suit a lot of application.
Vermiculite increases aeration and moisture retention, and through its high cation exchange capacity (CEC) it minimises fertilizer leaching.
Manufactured at high temperatures, vermiculite is sterile. It is an excellent carrier and extender for fertilizer and pesticides and works well as packing material for bulbs and tubers.













Vermiculite can be used in seedling cultivation by mixing it with peat at different ratios to form the substrate mixture.
Usage rate is generally 200 Lt Vermiculite (2 Sacks of Vermiculite) with 300 Lt Peat (1 Bale of peat).
The extra lightness of vermiculite makes it possible to produce a larger number of small air gaps in the seed mixture. This allows the root zone to be well ventilated and to retain more oxygen.
High water holding capacity promotes rapid and strong root development. As a result, an advanced root system provides rapid adaptation after planting.
Because of their inorganic and sterile properties, vermiculite is a mixture material that can be safely used without any worries.
Vermiculite particles have a lot of surface area due to their accordion shape structure so that water and the accompanying plant nutrients can be quickly absorbed and retained within the plant, then gradually given to the plant as desired.
Due to the physical properties of the vermiculite particles, seedling roots form stronger and more balanced structure. Thus, possible damage of seedling roots to external factors is minimized.











After the seeding is done, the seeded trays are covered with a vermiculite layer about 5 mm thick. This practice is called cover application.
The cover application allows storing the moisture at the surface of the tray.
It also prevents algae from forming on the trays surface.
The high thermal insulation feature prevents excessive water loss (via evaporation) of the mixture. Protect the seeds and roots of the seedlings against changing weather conditions at all stages of your breeding.
Due to great properties, vermiculite protects the seed, which is considered as the main cost element in seedling growing, with its low cost advantage, physically and chemically.
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